During a non-scf band structure calculation in VASP (ICHARG = 11), I have numerous jobs that have failed to complete writing the WAVECAR file (they started fine from the pre-converged CHGCAR, but fail after OUTCAR prints the line printing wave functions). My job submission manager script (Slurm) emails with a job failed code. The tag LWAVE is not set to false (confirmed with grep LWAVE OUTCAR). The calculations are on Gd-doped Ga2O3. The odd thing is that these calculations finished without error using HSE06 xc-functionals (ferromagnetic ground state, using 0-weight k-point method for hybrid functionals), but fail when using only GGA-PBE xc-functionals (pre-converged chgcar method). Has anyone else run into this issue?? I can gladly share input/output files if needed. Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.