In measuring zeta potential of nanoparticle SiO2@APTES--Br, the value of zeta potential fluctuate from -3mV to -8mV in three times of measuring. Each measuring lasts 2min. Is it normal? Thanks!
The suspension might not be stable enough. If the concentration of the electrolyte is high, aggregation could occur, and fluctuation of zeta potential would usually be observed.
Zeta potenital: the average electrical potential at the interface adjacent to a solid surface exposed to a liquid.
Depending upon three variable parameter
1. Viscosity
2. Electrophoretic mobility and
3. Dielectric constant
The values of zeta potential always pass through a range but in your case if it is fluctuating it means your solution may have showing some aggregation or affecting the 1. and 2. parameter so finally your zeta potential value is getting changed.
Try to check for it repeatedly for the time where you are getting stable observation if result will always be stable within that time span it means your solution need to be re-process.