Eyth is decalring this in his work "Wort und Werkzeug" from around 1900 and I am actually studying how we can become an even better Knowledge Society.. Does any of you know something on this topic?
At a political level, Blair and Clinton have harped on the notion of knowledge society as a target for future development in an ever more competitive world: the problem is that 10 or 15 years later, a recent survey has shown that not only the target has not been fulfilled, but GB is turning into a 3rd world economy with low wages and low level of qualification. A similar statement could be made in France where the level of education in sciences, maths lowered dramatically so that the target of a knowledge society seems an empty nutshell. A high level of unemployment for under 30s means either that the knowledge society has failed or that the new target is to lower the cost of qualified jobs by the sheer economic pression of mass unemployment.
If someone makes an absurd statement, why ask people more than a century later what he means? Look in the man's work, I'd say and judge his arguments the best you can.