I thought Calcium peaks are expected to appear in 3.6 eV only, but why does myne appear in other eV as well?I only understand Each peak represent the presence of element for that particular energy. How do i know which one is KAlpha or Kbeta
It's more complicated than you think. Most elements have quite a few lines. You can find a lot of info on the Web. And what about your operator, the one who performed EDS analysis for you? It's an easy question for him/her.
Different peaks for same element in EDAX is due to excitation of atomic energy level of respective element under incident energy of SEM/TEM. This will bring possiblility of XRAYS in energy range of different energy level i.e. k-alpha, L-alpha, k-beta, etc. It is depend on sample stability, incident energy of SEM /TEM to make proper excitation to get Xrays.