I am in favor of teaching bio sciences in B. Tech., CSE and ECE courses because this will help the students. If the students of the above mentioned courses are learning little of bio sciences along with there other courses, they can better understand and handle the problem if it related to biology.
I am a bioinformatics professional. I do support the need of teaching biological sciences to Engineering students (and also vice versa) mainly for two reasons.
1. It expands the applicability domain of engineering stream. There are many problems in biology which require expertise from engineering (mainly Computer science) and knowing how biological systems work, it'll be easy for engineering students to use their expertise to solve several problems in biology. It might also be considered as an opportunity to change the track a little bit and work in an exciting interdisciplinary field of bioengineering.
2. Many machine learning and optimization algorithms are inspired from principles of biological processes e.g. Ant colony optimization, genetic algorithms, chemical reaction optimization (from chemistry), biogeography based optimization, neural networks etc. None of which are perfect. Studying new biological processes may motivate engineers to develop one such algorithm or improve upon the existing.
What is an engineering in very short? Design to make some applications. Some of the biological researches depend on design & relevant application so they are considered in engineering !