Hello everyone,

I have an odd problem. I generated different templates for in vitro transcription using T7 RNA polymerase. While I had nice results for 2 of 4 templates last year using ambion MegaShort Skript Kit, now I cannot seem to repeat these results. Due too higher yield and the easier handling, I switched from linearized plasmids to PCR products as templates. The templates look fine in gel analysis after PCR and have a length between 150 and 250 bp.

I tried transcription using different polymerases from different companies in their according buffer and using the according protocol. I am downscaling to 10 / 20 µL, which I did before as well.

Interestingly, the resulting templates show very weak bands of correct size and strong bands at 100 nt less than expected in denaturing Urea PAGE for all 4 templates.

Nucleotide concentration is checked and high enough. Lower transcription temperatures (down to 20 °C) did not show any different results.

Any advice is highly appreciated!

Thank you!

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