I have concluded it is because there is no alternative - comprehensive and authoratative sex education is non-existent! Apart from my websites nosper.com etc. of course! Please take a look!
أعتقد أن التربية السليمة تمنع المتلقي من تتبع غرائزه المثيرة وكل من يتعلق بالأدب الاباحي يحتاج لعلاج مستعجل لأنه يعاني من التعطش الجنسي وبالتالي يعد خطرا على المجتمع. ويجب على المؤلفين توخي الحذر في كتاباتهم وعدم تجاوز الخطوط الحمراء للآداب العامة وتسخير أقلامهم للقضايا الانسانية.
You can hardly expect everyone to understand Arabic. Sexual desire is a vital aspect of human sexuality. If it were not for male sex drive, reproduction would not occur and the species would die out. Clear no prospect of that! Pornography dominates the internet because of men's enjoyment of erotic stimuli that assist with their arousal. Women dislike the crude portrayals of genitals and penetrative sex but there is nothing inherently dangerous about it except that it portrays women's responsiveness and men's performance unrealistically. This causes the modern dysfunctions of individuals feeling dissatisfied with their sex lives for no good reason. Reality and fiction are two quite separate phenomena.
Fiction has destroyed lives because people are entranced when the read or watch good fiction. It is a form of hypnotism you can' easily undo.
That having been said I think members of ResearchGate should interact in discussions on various topic more than they do. Do you think it is due to the lack of proper reading and touch-typing skills?
Our society provides zero sex education for adults or anyone else. So we all rely on erotic fiction for our sexual knowledge, which leads to a huge gap between reality and our unrealistic expectations. People can't be bothered to engage most of the time unless the topic is immediately of interest to them or trivial. Sex is taboo due to the differences in individual experience.