I have a pressure sensor and depending on the pressure applied resistance is measured between 2 points of the 3 electrodes connected to it.That is either between electrodes1 and 2 with 2 being ground or2 and 3 with 3 being ground or3 and 1 with 1 being ground The pressure is applied at 2 positions on the sensor (position A and B)[the points of pressure are chosen at random within A or B during a measurement cycle. which means it remains same during a cycle but changes in the next cycle]This are the set of measurements I had done1. Measured R12, R23, R13
2. While applying pressure on random point on A, measured R12, R23, R13
2. While applying pressure on random point on B, measured R12, R23, R13
This setup was run for 52 cyclesI want to make an NN pattern…