I did a UV-Vis Spectrophotometry on a sample of plant extract and silver nanoparticle between 200nm to 800nm, but the results showed multiple signals and wavelengths.
Presence of different molecules in the plant extract which have absorbance in this region (200_800nm) can show multiple signals. You can omit them by changing the blank or limiting the region.
Hi Ayokunle Adeniyi Adeloye , as you mentioned this is a plant extract, I assume this is not a pure compound. Therefore indeed uiu will see multiple absorbance bands if you have multiple compounds present together. If you ever happens to have an automated flash chromatography system or a HPLC system equipped with a diode array detector, you may be able to first get a better idea about the composition of your plant extract. In addition, it is possible even. Single pure compound to have multiple absorbance peaks as simply explains in spectroscopy where the excitation can happen different energy stages.