Hello! I have a problem with Agilent TapeStation 2200. I was analysing pcr-products first with agarose gel electroforesis and then with capillary electroforesis on TapeStation 2200.

So my pcr-products have length of 556 bp and in some samples I have a heterozygous mutation (duplication of a random size). So gel bands have pretty much right sizes (shown in picture 1; 1kb ladder (GeneRuler)) but the bands from the files from TapeStation software show different results. They all more than 600 bp and this number is varying among samples. Plus, in the samples with mutation (samples #5,8,9) the software shows peaks some than 1000 bp, which is impossible according to gel bands. I attach the files from the software and the pdf-files for your convenience. I`m really confused by this difference in data and would like to hear some of your suggestions on why capillary electroforesis gives false results. Thank you for your help!

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