Dear Sir/ma'am,
Thank you in advance for any help!
I do CO2 electroreduction in H-cell and flow cell.
Cell configuration: H-Cell
WE: Carbon paper(Freudenberg H23C6) 2cm^2 area
CE: Pt sheet
Reference electrode: Ag/AgCl
Electrolyte: 0.1M Phosphate buffer (PH 6.7)
Membrane: Sustanion AEM
Catalyst deposition: Cu nanoparticles on the microporous side of Freudenberg carbon paper with airbrushing; catalyst loading around 0.5mgcm^-2.
I am using this dual layer Freudenberg H23C6 carbon paper because in future I am going to test the same catalysts in my flow cell setup. otherwise the substrate in h-cell and flow cell will be different.
Another question: Why am I getting strange eis spectra in co2 saturated electrolyte, it does not fit in circle.
PEIS parameters:
10mV amplitude
freq. 0.1-10000