I am doing my undergrad thesis that requires me to do PCR-RFLP analysis on DNA that I extracted from some blood samples. Initially, I was using the Qiagen mastermix for the optimization of my entire process using just 6 samples out of 100 samples. I successfully completed my optimization step, and got my desired results for those 6 samples. Once I have the measurements of the entire process i.e the amount of mastermix, forward priner, reverse primer, DNA template, and nuclease-free water along with the optimum annealing temperature for my selected primer, I proceeded on to doing the exact same thing on the remaining 96 samples serially. But I started encountering an unexpected error. For some reason, I started getting a faint band in my negative control(which only has nuclease-free water and no DNA template). At first I thought any of the reagents were contaminated, so I conducted a series of PCR reactions where in one I would use a freshly new mastermix, another time a fresh made working solution of primers and also an intact nuclease free water. In every PCR, I am getting a band in my negative control. Today I also tried using a mastermix of an entirely different company i.e. Takara Bio, but got the same results. I am just frustrated at this point. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening? How can I troubleshoot this and complete my thesis!