In 1974, AG Feldman published on the equilibrium-point idea in Biofizika (Feldman, A.G., 1974. Change of muscle length due to shift of the equilibrium point of the muscle-load system. Biofizika, 19, 534). E Bizzi of MIT made his career testing the equilibrium-point hypothesis in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. The hypothesis is based on the idea of activating pools of neurons to produce direction vectors that aim the eyes or the limbs toward one point of body space. Some evidence from this idea comes from the electrical stimulation experiments done in the frontal lobes and spinal cord of frogs, cats, and primates (Giszter, Mussa-Ivaldi, Bizzi 1991; Graziano et al. 2002ab; Tehovnik and Lee 1993; Ward 1938).

The reason the answer to the question is important is that we (Tehovnik, Hasanbegović, and Chen 2024) are writing a book that will discuss the equilibrium-point hypothesis within the context of automaticity, consciousness, and vertebrates.

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