02 February 2016 7 3K Report

In most current guidelines concerning liver tumors (and other entities) "unresectable" patients are graduated "palliative" despite the availability of new minimal invasive options (RFA, SRFA, MWA,..) that have the potential for local curation. There is no doubt that with percutaneous thermal ablation small tumors can be completely eradicated. Using sophisticated guidance technologies (Stereotactic Radiofrequency Ablation - SRFA) even large tumors can be ablated completely by multiple probe positioning, with local recurrence rates comparable to resection.

Many patients, that are categorized "unresectable" can be treated locally by thermal ablation and should therefore remain in the "curative" setting. In my opinion all guidelines concerning the liver ( and maybe other tumor entities) should be re-written, with replacement of " resectable" by "treatable with local curative intent" / "treatable with local curation".

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