Indium tin oxide in thin film can be made transparent, and its sheet resistance can be tuned carefully by appropriate (annealing temp., annealing atmosphere, and film thickness).
The sheet resistance values you have mentioned are quite high., and with ITO you can achieve very low sheet resistance values.
Your questions should be slightly well defined.
1) Do you need a solid material of a certain thickness, or
2) Will a thin film coating on a glass substrate suit your requirements ?
3) Do you need a high sheet resistance, or a low sheet resistance.
I agree with the unswer of K. Sreenivas. I can add that there are more transparent oxides e.g. AZO (Aluminum Zinc Oxide) . It would be difficult to obatin the sheet resistance that you've mentioned (100 kOhcm to 1 MOhmcm ) with commerically available ITO (ITO film would have the thickness below 1 nm) so you would need to ask for material having reduced conductivity. Another alternative can be poor graphene (good one has the sheet resistance the order of 1 kOhmcm)