Hi Santosh Singh ! the best software for this is ArcGIS. It is a complete software package packed with highly powerful tools for creating and analyzing maps. I personally use it for my research.
I hope you find this helpful, let me know by recommending my answer.
There are several packages for GIS and map design, I use QGIS and GRASS GIS for the most applications and the results are satisfactory. ArcGIS is a commercial software with a lot of GIS functionalities, it is also the best known.
..."Please also describe the pathway of generating map with help of software"...
The answer for your question will depend of your necesities and the kind of product you will need.
Several contextual answers must be given before giving an answer to you:
Do you need profesional cartography or not? Do you need to perform only graphic schemas or not?
Do you ocassionally make maps or not?
Are map scale and cartographic references important for your work?
Do you know about the basis of cartography or not?
Are you going to perform geospatial analysis?
Do you need maths and geostatistical performed in your map results or not?
What kind of need do you have in relationship with geospatial and temporal data?
Do you know about programming?
Is your data simple or complex from the information point of view?
Is satellite data important part of your work? Do you need image processing?
The range of cartographic and semi-cartographic software tools are broad. From something simple as a Draft designer, Google Earth, Excel; something you have to know about GIS like ArcGIS, QGIS, GvSIG, etc. About stats and math like R and Mathlab and other. Only, but only professional digital cartography like Avenza, geophysics like GMT, programming with Python, etc., etc. etc.
Dear Santosh the optimal map software you need will depend of your necessities.
Many software are available for map construction, 1st thing is the scale of map and and 2nd is which type of map u want to construct. if u r new to use then the Arcgis is good for map construction. otherwise Qgis is also helpful to u. best wishes.
There are several open source software that we can use for map construction such as ArcGIS, QGIS. Mostly these software can do all the required analysis starting from beginner to professional level map construction. But few parametres are required to get the map done which can be acquired from the direct field observations. If the concepts will be strong then Its pretty much easy to operate.