The use of antibody based therapy on the two American health workers has opened an ethical debate, in addition to a therapeutic debate on best available options.
There is already an answer. DRACO , designed by Todd Rider in MIT, is capable to destroy this virus by inducing apoptosis of infected cells. DRACO means "Double-stranded RNA [dsRNA] Activated Caspase
Oligomerizer", and this is the web site of Dr. Ridder`s work: . I just read tha Mr. Mark Zuckerberg donated a fortune to fight ebola virus. But ¿Did he donate anyhing to Dr. Ridder's research ? Here you can read the news: . The most effective way to defeat the virus (and any disease) is in a lab through research. For anyone who is interested, this is the DRACO Fund page:
Like most viral diseases which continue to mutate any vaccine or antiviral may be limited to specific mutations. These new products will have unknown long term toxicity effects. Our approach is to use pharmaceutical with a long history of safe use in humans which are readily available. Attached is an example of a PROVIR antiviral formulation which will block entry of Virons into Host cell and stop disease progression. This approach is not mutation specific.