Apomorphine induced stereotyped behavior in rats. In this model one factor is drug and another is time.
There are five animal groups (n=6). Groups 1; vehicle control, 2; positive control, 3; test drug (low dose), 4; test drug (high dose), 5; standard control. On the experiment day after respective treatments the rats are individually placed immediately after chemical stimuli in individual cages and observed for every 10 min for a total period of 90 min, which are intervals that permit to observe the whole course of behavioral effects. The intensity of stereotyped activity was assessed according to scoring system, 0 - asleep or still, 1 - active, 2 - predominantly active but with bursts of stereotyped sniffing and rearing, 3 - constant stereotyped activity such as sniffing, rearing, or head bobbing, but with locomotor activity still present, 4 - constant stereotyped activity maintained at one location, 5 - constant stereotyped activity but with bursts of licking or gnawing and biting, 6 - continual licking of cage grids and, 7 - continual biting of cage grids.
I have used Prism 5 software for the above model, but Prism 5 cannot perform two-way ANOVA with repeated measures in both directions.