Straight vegetable oil (SVO) – It is the unrefined and non-processed oil directly extracted from oil seeds. SVO produced by oil expellers across the country is cheap, whose market price depends on the oilseed and transportation costs. However, this fuel cannot be used directly; it needs to be blended in minor quantities with petro-diesel. The typical mixing ratio would be 80% petro-diesel and 20% SVO (B20 blend) or 90:10 ratio (B10 blend).
SVO is mainly extracted from non-edible oil trees such as Neem, Mahua [Madhuca longifolia], Karanja [Pongamia pinnata], Jatropha [Jatropha curcas], Simarouba [Simarouba glauca], etc., which grow abundantly across the countryside. There are about 20 other plant species like palm, rapeseed, sunflower, soya whose edible oil seeds also yield acceptable Biodiesel.