What teaching model has succeeded more so far, the digital classroom or the hybrid learning ? Does cost plays an important role ? or the readiness of teachers is more important ?
Irrespective of the training Hybrid model is the best option for the training programs . Though Digital Class room definitely help trainee to get a feel of the virtual effect of the training , for a job or skill oriented training hybrid model will be very much effective.
There is no single answer to this question. The most appropriate approach and the most appropriate balance between elements of that approach will depend on what you are teaching and to whom you are teaching it.
Having said that I am inclined to the hybrid approach but the balance between face to face and on-line will vary a lot. I also note that what these mean can (and probably should) also vary a lot. And don't forget that soft skills like collaboration are important.
It is crucial to remember that different students learn in different ways and the advantage of some face to face interaction is that a teacher should be able to identify the most effective way for each student to learn. Often learning stalls because of what can be a fairly straightforward conceptual issue - identifying those issues and how to surmount them (or explain or demonstrate them) effectively is what good teaching is about.
Most effective learning model is the one which engages students. It really doesn't matter from learning perspective which model you use unless the students are involved. An educator who motivates the students will be always better than any model. In this case, a traditional face-to-face model works better. However, these days, at university level, most professors are flipping through powerpoint presentations and boring the students to death. Such face-to-face meetings have become meaningless. Students seem to learn more from youtube/wikipedia and other sources. Hybrid model may work better but it depends on the subject too.
I would suggest it comes down to the comfort level of the teacher/instructor with these technologies.
For my money the best environment a student can learn in provides the richest most authentic learning experiences tailored for the individual student. To this end a hybrid classroom seems like a much better option. Not only to encourage participation and engagement, but to also provide future worthy adaptation skills. We, as teachers should after all be preparing our students for the world of tomorrow. This world will be a digital one. So we must provide them opportunities to grow with these new technologies and also to function in a technology free envionment. So a hybrid learning model would be indicated here.
I have actively incorporated more technology in my teaching for the past few years, and while students are more engaged, their deeper understanding of subject matter and skill development is low. They are actively passive - low comprehension and deeper learning is lacking. A Hybrid learning environment consisting of both a monologic and diaologic instruction process is a must.
Our university offers traditional face to face classes, hybrid classes and on-line classes. Different students have different learning styles and often different needs to further their education. The key aspects are personal contact and time available. A face to face class has all kinds of personal contact, but it is time intensive for the students to be in a particular place each class. The hybrid class offers the personal contact with the professor in a condensed form and allows the student to complete the class using an on-line format. However, that does not work for all students. Especially those who would have to travel long distances to attend even the reduced face to face aspect of a hybrid class.(for example those students in a different state or country) The digital or on-line format meets the learning needs of many students who for reasons of time or distance or even preference choose this method.
Nice to see the answer from Mr Gregg. I appreciate . I agree that Eye to Eye contact program is always the best one. However along with that, if digital content presentation is done , it would surely add more effectiveness as it serves both the personal contact as well legible and neat content clarity during presentation. The online programs will be effective unless the program completion and its implied benefits to the participant is really needed for his immediate growth or later.
Hybrid suggests the use of the more traditional methods such as face to face along with online learning activities. In this ever changing digital world, we must embrace this hybrid model, in my opinion it is key to the production of individuals who must function optimally in our society.