I have been doing some synthesize, Prussian blue, in particular. I have done it previously by straight precipitation of solution FeCl3 and adding dropwise solution of K4Fe(CN)6, resulting into Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3, beautiful blue pigment appearing. But this time, I have decided to add some ammonia water - NH4OH, to FeCl3, before adding K4Fe(CN)6. From light yellow 0.02 molar FeCl3 it became very dark red-brown and then after adding dropwise the K4Fe(CN)6 solution, it changed into grey, and only the very top part of the solution became expected blue. Moreover, as I detched top blue part, the rest top part of the solution turned into blue again, like it oxidized.

So, the question is, what could the grey solution be?

Here are some pics:

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