My comments are brief from Google Earth remote sensing. Much of the river valley is dominated by braided streams, as an indicator that the sediment supply greatly exceeds the river's power to move the extreme sediment and bedload loading from the oversteepened headwater channels from tectonic processes and landslide and debris avalanche instability, failures and high contributions to sediment loading. Braided channels may adjust and move location due to channel filling (aggradation). Areas of great sinuosity and aggradation can contribute to temporary avulsion, where a deep gully channel may cut through some sections, but infrequent due to the extreme sediment loading and channel infilling. Braided streams tend to flood frequently due to the extensive channel filling. Dr. David Rosgen published a paper and book on stream classification and another on watershed sediment supply you might find useful, with info at
Geomorphic vary according to the process acting on the landscape. The cmost common geomorphic features includes glacial and fluvial valleys, escarpments etc.