In Apriori Association Rule if the minSupport = 0.25 and minConfidence = 0.58 and for an item set we found a total of 16 association rules:

Rule Confidence Support

{1 2 ==>3} 1 0.4

{3 5 ==>2} 1 0.4

{1 ==> 2 3} 0.666 0.4

{1 3 ==> 2} 0.666 0.4

{2 3 ==> 1} 0.666 0.4

{5 ==> 2 3} 0.666 0.4

{2 3 ==> 5} 0.666 0.4

{2 5 ==> 3} 0.666 0.4

{1 ==> 3} 1 0.6

{5 ==> 2} 1 0.6

{3 ==> 1} 0.75 0.6

{2 ==> 3} 0.75 0.6

{3 ==> 2} 0.75 0.6

{2 ==> 5} 0.75 0.6

{5 ==> 3} 0.666 0.4

{1 ==>2} 0.666 0.4

If we want to reorder these rules from the most to least important rules which factor determine the importance of the rule Support or confidence i.e:

In this rule the Confidence is 1 but the Support is 0.4

{1 2 ==>3} 1 0.4

While in this rule the Confidence is 0.75 but the Support is 0.6

{3 ==> 1} 0.75 0.6

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