The photocurrent × photovoltage product yields the internal photovoltaic power produced by the photoelectrode which, upon multiplication by its electrolysis efficiency, provides the intrinsic solar to chemical conversion efficiency. In this respect, various efficiency definitions have been reported in the literature. I am curious about what the photoelectrochemical cell researchers think about the efficiency definitions. If you have any other efficiency definition, please add it below. 

Type 1

STH (%) = Jill (Erev-|Eapp|)/I0 x 100 %

Khan et al., Science 297.5590 (2002): 2243-2245.

Type 2

STHphoto (%) = [(Jill-Jdark) x (Erev-|Eapp|)/I0] x 100 %

Dotan et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5.19 (2014): 3330-3334

Type 3

STHphotoanode (%) = Jill x (Vreversible - Vapp)/I0

STHphotocathode (%) = Jill x Vapp/I0

Li et al., Energy & Environmental Science 6.2 (2013): 347-370.

Type 4

STHdevice = (Jill x Vredox)/[(Pill+(Jill x Vbias)] x 100 %

STHphotoelectrode = [Jill x (Vredox-|Vfb|)]/Pill x 100 %

Dias et al., Journal of Power Sources 272 (2014): 567-580.

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