I pretend to use the PREP-CHEM source emissions to investigate PM2.5 concentration in Brazil with WRF-Chem.

One of my questions is about which chemical mechanism (chem_opt) I need to use in the namelist.input.

The PREP-CHEM is compiled for RADM_WRF_FIM_SIMPLE. The manual recommends to use:

kemit = 1

io_style_emissions = 2

emiss_inpt_opt = 1 (RADM2/SORGAN)

emiss_opt = 5 (GOCART RACM_KPP)

biomass_burn_opt = 1 plumerisefire_frq = 120

But what about the chem_opt? The simulation works fine with RADM2 Chemistry and GOCART aerosols (chem_opt = 303), but as my intention is to investigate PM2.5, the secondary aerosol is important to consider.

Therefore, which options should I use in &chem?

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