Which book on organizational studies would you recommend? I have worked with Morgan (Images of the organization - 2006), but I would like suggestions for more recent works.
may be of interest. (Not a book on organizational studies per se, of which there are hundreds, but a comment on the models that such as Mintzberg and Morgan elaborated.)
Jonaina, any organisation studies books by the following should suffice: Stephen Ackroyd, and Steve Fleetwood, R. S. Clegg, Mats Alvesson and S. Deetz and David Knights and Hugh Willmott. Good luck.
May I recommend my new book about "The third dimension of Organization". It is about the missing link in todays organization theory. It deals with the neurology (control and communication) in an organizations whereas the orgchart and process redesigns deal with its anatomy and physiology. That third dimension is capable of coping with complexity - the ultimate problem of every organization. I explain how I applied Stafford Beers Viable System Model in 20 years of practical experience in organizations all over the world. Its available in German (Springer) but an English translation is on its way. Best regards, Martin