Your university might have a license for survey software which you can use for free? If not, you could use sites like survey monkey, but would indeed have to pay for it.
Marcio, like Ellen said Oklahoma State, or at least someone at OSU, probably already has Survey Monkey or other survey software like Zoomerang, that could be used. In addition, you might check with your Institutional Research (IR) group because they may have something like Campus Labs (or other assessment and accreditation software) that could be used; this might be useful if you are linking to any assessment data to OSU, students, alumni, or the like.
The professional version of Survey Monkey also has the option to see statistical significance, which is easily viewed in the Analyze tab. i hope this helps.
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, the company I work with already has the paid version of Monkey Survey. Looking for an accredited model of questions regarding the performance of employees. Something that has been published and validated by academic community.
I urge you to contact DDI - Developmental Dimensions International. They are the leading developers of 360's. DO NOT have everyone complete them organization wide, ever! Use them very selectively for talent development purposes.