Want to start learning R. Been using SPSS for some years now. But where do I start? What do I need to be able to learn the basic statistics that I'm using? Chi2, t-test, logistic regression, Cox etc.
I assume that you want to learn it do stats, rather than programming. If so, there are several stats books including some that assume you are pretty comfortable with SPSS and stats. Some books (like Field's Discovering Statistics) have SPSS and R versions. Lots of material on the web too (as @David and @Samantha point out). And for basic stuff the help facility in R is useful. So if you type ?chisq.test you'll get a pretty good description (though some help pages assume you have a lot of knowledge). Anyway, I think it is great to learn a few stats packages. They each of their own advantages!
R is actually a fairly short program that can implement fairly long list of packages. So, start by learning the something about the package system. Each package includes a series of functions and each package contains a 'Description' file to describe and demonstrate use of the functions. These descriptions can be accessed from within the R console. So, after you have learned the basics of interacting with R, start the console and enter a command such as: help(package = "stats"). This command will produce a function list for the 'stats' package and it will start you in learning the R help system. Any good reference on R should cover use of the help system.
To help you convert to R from SPSS, use Muenchen (2011) R for SAS and SPSS Users, Springer Verlag. It shows how to translate SPSS commands to R and vice versa. It also explains the differences. The book includes data management, analysis and graphics. If you want, you can integrate SPSS with R. However SPSS then uses an older version of R. I have SPSS 24 with R 3.3.1 inside. Some analyses from R are added to SPSS, like IRT modelling. They appear in your SPSS menu. You can write menu add-ons for the SPSS menu, but running R. (Is advanced stuff to do).
Hi everyone. I am trying to import the sav.file (SPSS) to R. Meanwhile, the message:
re-encoding from UTF-8 " " ..... appears. Could someone explain me, please? Are there differences in sofware adopted to import data for R (SPSS, excel?