I think it's rooted in human nature, unfortunately, such that it manifests itself in politics, education, and religion. In the Christian tradition, this concept is known as total depravity. Due to human sinfulness, depravity extends to every facet of our being and existence. Fortunately, due to human free will, corruption can be overcome.
Thanks Kirk..corruption is major issue for us over..it has taken away sleep from our indirectly. All sectors of human endeavours are partakers of corruption, ranging from politics to religion.
I believe that all kinds and categories of corruption exist, thus their rootes are different and variable , found in politics and /or education and /or religion All kinds of combinations are possible answers.
In my own opinion, as said by Dr. Kirk MacGregor that the root of corruption is in human nature. Corruption has pervaded every aspect of humanity. It is a global issue.
In México is a complex issue on my own living experiencies is matter fake basic education provide by the goverment side, the other important one is depending on family´s values, as results of these our politician are mainly liares, due that they have not honesty, the only truly aim is their own benefits, besides that nothing else matters, as country we are in trouble because this" political pervetion", solution is also complex but realistic and responsability could be the begining in a way to change...
I share in your sentiments Juan..corruption and corrupt leaders are revered and celebrated in my country. Impunity has become the order of the day coupled with vissionless political and religious leaders even the judiciary trapped in the mess called corruption. Human right abuses and total reap of democracy are recent issues in my country. .a hopeless, helpless and a catch 22 situation...
Dr Stanley agree with you, i will add that awful part of corruption is that our politicians those who write laws, those who apply them, those who rule our countries became the new royal high class they are apart from poverty, impunity, they are traveling around the world at bussines class, spending our tax as a royal class used to do at the past centuries, again i am not agree with war but it´s seems to be that other peace ways are not easy to get on to solve this complex problems. At end if we do not work hard with very young people the present and near future it wont improve..
First corruption is just not limited to some special action or activity. Each person belonging to any field e.g. politics, education, and religion, etc if they are not eligible for that field or profession, from this level the basic corruption start. For example, if a teacher is not able for teaching to the students, she /he not well educate students, and then these students spread in all institutions .so they will do corruption because their base is constructed in a false direction.