First of all, one should accept the idea that they are "stuck" admitting that you are is not a surrender but a way to move to stage number two. Anne Lamott who is a writer, she described in her book "Bird by Bird: Some instructions about writing and life" this stage of that you feel that you can not write anything, she said: " as if writing a novel is like trying to level Mount McKinley with a dentist's drill"
Anne has a solution for this problem or I would say for a writer's block which is to write 300 words a day. I know that this sounds contradictory being not able to write and then wants you to write 300 words, right? But the thing is that she suggests that you write 300 words a day about anything (I know this might be only in fiction but it does work as well in the academic writing, you will find a link between your 300 words and your own target writing)
Anyways, the 300 words could be about anything comes to your mind and you should not be creative, you just want to get ideas out of your mind and write it down and let our unconscious get on with telling the story. If we keep pestering our unconscious during writer's block, it will just tell us to shut up and go away.
First of all, one should accept the idea that they are "stuck" admitting that you are is not a surrender but a way to move to stage number two. Anne Lamott who is a writer, she described in her book "Bird by Bird: Some instructions about writing and life" this stage of that you feel that you can not write anything, she said: " as if writing a novel is like trying to level Mount McKinley with a dentist's drill"
Anne has a solution for this problem or I would say for a writer's block which is to write 300 words a day. I know that this sounds contradictory being not able to write and then wants you to write 300 words, right? But the thing is that she suggests that you write 300 words a day about anything (I know this might be only in fiction but it does work as well in the academic writing, you will find a link between your 300 words and your own target writing)
Anyways, the 300 words could be about anything comes to your mind and you should not be creative, you just want to get ideas out of your mind and write it down and let our unconscious get on with telling the story. If we keep pestering our unconscious during writer's block, it will just tell us to shut up and go away.
I would recommend you just write something. Anything! Even if it's terrible, at least it will get you started and get the ideas flowing, then it will become much easier. You can (and should) always go back and revise.
When we find ourselves encounter such a situation, the best solution is either to read something, goole for some information or to watch TV while sipping a cup of tea.
In my view, you should take time off and enjoy some sunsets by sea or ocean and recharge. Such vacation may help your imagination and thirst to write. Subsequently, develop a table of content and a schedule to complete your work.
If I cannot write, I prefer any kind of handwork. If I cannot write, it means that it is not necessary for me. And if it is not interesting for me, who needs it? We must also think about the potential reader ... Unfortunately, sometimes we have to write in these situations at the request of the chiefs, etc.
It is common to not have an urge to write. Sometimes you can’t write and you don’t have enough material to put down your thoughts. You don’t have urge to write anyone. So one must likely to read more during that period.
We shouldn't force ourselves when nothing comes to our mind to write. Instead, we should take a break from writing and do some other stuff. In many cases this trick often works.