Logically you add donor molecules to the host donor molecules and you as about how far the exciton dissociation process can be affected. You said also that the homo level of he added donor molecules is close to that of the host. Then you have two types of donor molecules and one type of acceptor molecules. What about the lumo level of the third party. The dissociation is enhanced by the lumo energy level difference between the donor and acceptor. The greater this difference the more probable is the dissociation. Even thare is some minimum difference required to affect the dissociatio at he interface between the donor and acceptor. The other thing concerns the hole rejection by the acceptor, the lumolevel of the donor must lay above that of the acceptor. Since the added molecules have almost the same lumo;evel, then the rejction of the acceptors to their holes will be almost equal to that of he host material.
In conclusion the lumolevel of the added donor will make it differ from the native donor.