In resilient supply chain, by reacting, we try to minimize risk either, So what is the difference between maximizing Resilient and minimizing Risk? for example when we want to make multi objective model for supply chain
thanks. So if we say, whenever disaster happens, how to build the supply chain to react well, is a resilient supply chain?
Results of single-case research designs (i.e., n-of-1 trials) are often evaluated by visually inspecting the time-series graph and computing quantitative indices. A question our research team is...
03 March 2021 687 1 View
Hello, We would like to increase the yield of our PCR product. We are running a series of PCR reactions that is targeting ~1.1kb sequence. We begin each reaction with ~400pg of template DNA...
02 March 2021 4,029 3 View
We found tests to determine cardiovascular risk taking into account lipid profile, blood pressure, age, history of diabetes, other laboratories. But when weight is involved, there is a paradox. I...
02 March 2021 6,036 1 View
Hi, I am trying to construct a multi-layer fibril structure from a single layer in PyMol by translating the layer along the fibril axis. For now, I am able to use the Translate command in PyMol...
02 March 2021 4,569 4 View
Hello! I have a dataset of n=3000 nested within 8 countries with approximately 200 or 400 responses in each country. I originally planned to perform multilevel modelling with 4 dependent variables...
02 March 2021 6,865 1 View
Hi, I am planning to apply for the PhD degree in the Supply Chain Mgt. with specific area of "Cold Storage warehouses" during Pandemics and wars. Where lock downs and shut downs are frequent....
02 March 2021 285 2 View
So, I have been trying to run a pACYC PCR which will be used later on for a Gibson Assembly. However the PCR is not working. I have already tried gradient PCR and changing extension time; however...
02 March 2021 1,146 2 View
To dear Researchers, I was analyzing a series of concentration for estimation of Real-Time PCR efficiency. The concentration was 1:10. I used MS-excel to evaluate Slope. The result of slope was -8...
01 March 2021 8,683 4 View
I performed site directed mutagenesis, transformation, and then I sent out plasmids for Sanger sequencing and found out that there is extension of DNA just before the stop codon. I am not sure...
27 February 2021 547 3 View
Hi, my question is about the heating of thermal cycler machines and I hope some of you had experienced a similar thing previously. There are two thermal cycler machines in the lab(BioRad) and for...
26 February 2021 4,777 4 View