Again during an internal discussion wit students at the institute, emerged the problem of how we determine "prestige", "authority", "quality", "what's a good/fair academic evaluation?", "How do we weight our work and our colleagues' work?", etc. Sometimes, you think everybody does the same you do, until you ask many people.... 

Among the universe of problems we analized, I'd like to share with you the following question, associated to a very specific example (probably too reuccionist, but useful anyways), hoping you can provide me some feedback/thoughts based on your personal experience.

Let say you are writing the Introduction section of your last/best scientific article. Throughout the process of writting the manuscript, repeatedly, you have to support different statements with only one or two cites, but every time you have a dozen of equivalent articles (i.e., the whole dozen could potentially be used validly) you could use to support that same statement. What criteria you use to choose (among the rest options) the one or two articles you will finally cite? how do you decide "what's best" or "who's best" to cite?

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