For the numerous use of IV regression in economics, Ii come across this question?
for example, if we take Y=bX+u(1), a possible causal relationship with possible endogeneity problem, and also an opposite possible causal relationship X=b*Y+u*(2). and to estimate b or b* we probably may use IV approach, for example, z1 in the model(1) and z2 in the model(2). and here is my question: what is the statistical analytical relationship between z1 and z2? is it causal ? do they come from an opposite base of eigenvectors (meaning orthogonal bases), whats the cov(z1,z2)? a common example of that in economics is the relationship between health and in income or health and education, many types of research used many instruments to prove both-ways causal effects.
that is my question I hope it was clear enough, please any related work or paper would be of great help? or any answer would be amazing. Thank you