What is the future of nanotechnology in agriculture and role of nanofertilizers in smart agriculture an effective approach to increase nutrient use efficiency?
Nanotechnology will revolutionize the agricultural sector and the food industry through the development of new techniques such as climate-smart agriculture, increasing plant nutrient absorption, more efficient and effective input use, disease detection, and management. Nutrient losses in fertilization are reduced, and insect and nutrient control increase production.By designing novel nanotools for disease control, nutrient absorption capability, and other applications, nanotechnology has the potential to transform the agriculture and food industries. Nanofertilizers reduce nitrogen loss as leaching, emissions and long-term incorporation by soil microorganisms by slow and controlled release of fertilizers hence, soil become more porous by decreasing toxic effects related with fertilizers over use.
Nano-fertilizers are effective in reduction of the nutrient leaching and volatilization losses, as this formulation may allow selective release linked with time and environmental conditions and may synchronize the release of nutrients with the uptake by crop plants. Nanofertilizers reduce nitrogen loss as leaching, emissions and long-term incorporation by soil microorganisms by slow and controlled release of fertilizers hence, soil become more porous by decreasing toxic effects related with fertilizers over use. The plant nutrients encapsulated in Nano-particles also increases availability of the nutrient elements and thus uptake to the crop plants. Nano fertilizers are the important tools in agriculture to improve crop growth, yield and quality parameters with increase nutrient use efficiency, reduce wastage of fertilizers and cost of cultivation. Application of nanofertilizers leads to increase in the production of photosynthates, dry matter and yield in crop plants. Indirectly these fertilizers help in achieving agricultural sustainability by reducing the input of harmful chemical fertilizers. The nanofertilizers allow a slow and sustained release of nutrients that not only supports plant growth but also conserve the diversity of the beneficial microbiome. Such attributes may help the phytomicrobiome to efficiently mitigate both biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Nanotechnology for the management of crops is used as an essential technology for enhancing crop productivity. Nanomaterials and nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, and quantum dots are now exploited in agriculture research as biosensors for evaluating the quality of soil and fertilizer distribution. The use of nano-particles as a fertilizer in various cereal crop provide higher yield and productivity. Nano fertilizer improves the biological yield of pulses and Brassicaceae crops. Nano-fertilizers in excess amounts cause harmful effects in plants and enter the food chain. Nanotechnology is used in a variety of agricultural applications, including: Delivery of nano pesticides. Nanoparticles containing biofertilizers are released gradually and in a regulated manner. Application of nano biosensors for quick detection of phytopathogens and other biotic and abiotic stressors in crop growth.