02 February 2020 4 9K Report

It is in your soul as a creative person to make meaning in your life. You could go along with the normative milieu, status quo, and live a low maintenance life- but I’m going to bet that this is not you. Most creative people feel a deep drive to life authentically, meaningfully and purposefully. It is when they are living in this way they are truly happy and feel they are truly living. If you know this about yourself, Creative, this naturally begs the question, how will you make your meaning? What will be your purpose? What does your soul need this to be?

I describe a process for generating a life purpose statement which I state generally has six main elements:

-- “Making use of your innate talents and abilities, your heart, mind and hands"

-- "Using your whole being every day, rather than intermittently or sporadically"

-- "Serving truth telling and other important values"

-- "Getting genuine satisfaction out of life"

-- "Working hard on meaningful projects"

-- "Entering into loving relationships”

To realize these are not easy and will take a lot of brain power to accomplish. You will need to write down your statement and likely revisit it often over a period of time to finalize it. When I wrote mine, I looked at it again a month after I had written my original statement, only to realize, the second component of what I thought was how I wanted to pilot the purpose in my life, was what I had defaulted to but not what to me was truly meaningful. This is in fact the reason you want to do this work.

Your statement may not include all six of these components but focus more deeply on a select few. Take the time to closely check in with your emotional needs and desires for your life as you think about your life purpose. What has brought you happiness? What has drained you of energy vs built you up? Are you feeling resistance towards any aspects of your desired life purpose. This is all part of your process.

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