
Sometimes I get questions such as-why impact factor (IF) of a top-ranked Civil or Transportation Engineering journal is so low? For instance, TRB journal has an IF of 0.556, ASTM JTE has an IF of 0.471, and ASCE Materials in Civil Engineering has an IF of 1.296. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier has a good IF of 2.296. For instance, once I approached a senior colleague from a different field (Chemistry background) to be a co-author of an article and that individual said he would not publish anywhere that has an IF of less than 3.0. But, there is no journal in my profession (Civil Engineering) that has an IF of 3 or higher. How do I respond this type of questions/comments to anyone who questions about IF of ASCE, ASTM or TRB journals? Thank you in advance.

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