1. Theory of tectonically plates (Alfred Wegener);
2. The theory of divisibility of the lithosphere into blocks (K.F. Tyapkin https://www.nas.gov.ua/EN/PersonalSite/Pages/Biography.aspx?PersonID=0000013788)
Main answer for this question give the Plate Tectonic theory of Alfred Wegener. Geologic structures are usually the result of the strong tectonic motions that occurs in earth crust. Most geologic structures are result of Divergent motion, Convergent motion or Subduction and Transform motion.
Dear Cholponbek Ormukov provided explanations for the reasons for the tectonic fragmentation of the lithosphere, which come from certain geological phenomena and processes, and not from the factors of their formation.
Quoted from my answer in the "Earthquakes and faults" discussion.
"The movement of the solid shell of the Earth along the surface of the asthenosphere forms faults because the solid shell must continuously adapt to the ellipsoid of the Earth's rotation. If the Earth were a spheroid, there would be no such thing and the network of rolomi would be constant in time.
Deformation waves take part in this process and destroy the solid shell, creating new faults in the direction of meridians and parallels.".
n the provided vision of the respected Borys Kapochins, only part of the answer. In addition to the ellipsoid, the movement and transformation of the earth's crust is affected by the uneven speed of the earth's rotation.
'We know well that In Ankara will held the next event:
'75. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı' (75. Geological Congress Of Turkey http://tjk.jmo.org.tr/index.php?kod=150&lg=en)
I made a present to the participants (without any tools)
an earthquake forecasting to the actual seismic highly active zone.
Time windows: 72 hours: 2023-04-09 (am 12 CET- 2023-04-12 (am 12 Cet
Magnitude: M: +4.5 (the maxim I do not have oportinty. from here in Hungary it is impossible to say the maximum magnitude, but in Turkey it is possible... Probably Borys Kapochkin . or Alexandr Yagodin can tell you.
Location: can also be determined precisely, The accuracy is deppend of the place of determination.'
This forecast also answers the following question:
My assumption with sharp evident on geoscience prove .In common the formations of geological structures are related to general theory of uniformitarianism based on active reputation which caused drifting of collision continent to continent during active margins or passive margins formed crustal discontinuity and displacement and subsequently, energy released beneath earth mechanism reasoned formations of strain and stress deformations which rise the theories of geological structures formations .
I have a new theory of planetary evolution. Today, Earth is Mature stage and plate tectonics drive the ocean resurfacing and structural forces on continental blocks (similar to Carrilo's answer). This was not always the case. Supercontinent formation was driven by accreting moons in a geosynchronous orbit. The end of the last geosynchronous phase was 84 Ma. Earth was also affected by accreting moon fragments, over 200 of which caused Large Igneous Provinces. This Accretionary stage ran from 3800 to 1 Ma.
The theory explains the causes of all of Earth's mass extinctions. The dinosaurs went extinct due to a large drop in the oxygen content of the atmosphere from 30-35% to the 21% oxygen that we have today. Technically, the dinosaurs became infertile since their eggs likely suffocated within hours of being laid and they never hatched.
The theory can be read from a publicly accessible pdf on this site.
(PDF) Earth's planetary evolution and the extinction of the dinosaurs (researchgate.net)
Also on the Researchgate.net site is a 20 minute PowerPoint slide presentation with narration about what I consider as the proof of the theory.
As well, there is a supplementary spreadsheet on Researchgate.net that is the source of a number of my figures. It is for those who wish to know more details of my calculations. Copies of the book are available to buy on Amazon.
1) Migration of the earth moon barycenter over geologic time is hypothesized as a tectonic trigger mechanism and an explanation for magmatic types. The unbalanced daily rotational strain around the barycenter is hypothesized to have an effect on magmatic migration and release, especially when that center moves upward from layer to layer...ie. core to mantle as the earth moon distance gets larger and the barycenter is closer to the crust.
Thus, unbalanced rotation of each of the two bodies about the barycenter is an unexpected driving force that could explain such things as irregular plate angular rotation due to Coriolis as well as barycenter dynamics on a semiplastic earth.
Wild New Paper Suggests Earth's Tectonic Activity Has an Unseen Source : ScienceAlert
Tug of sun, moon could be driving plate motions on ‘imbalanced’ Earth -- ScienceDaily
2) In addition, the simple process of uplift can manifest itself in "thin-skin" or "thick skin" sliding, see below. It probably manifests itself as a "rate of uplift" issue.
(There are strange examples of plates breaking up and foundering in ways that show at the surface....the colorado plateau and mid cenozoic ignimbrite flareup event of Colorado might be explained this way.)
3) I add a mineralogical/hydrological theory: There is a good chance that there was a changeover in core heating as "hot" short lived radioactive isotopes became depleted and like in a star...heating changed to gravitationally induced crystal and thermodynamic changes. I give an example of the presence of water in say, Ringwoodite...
When the earth mantle is too hot...water of rock formation in say the mineral olivine or other minerals like ringwoodite, would be driven out of crystals and up toward the surface of the earth, perhaps as "out of equilibrium" wet ultramafic komatiite, dunite, harzburgite magmatic plumes.
The water-of-the-mantle issue, perhaps dominant during Hadrian times, suggests Archean mantle was "dry" or that it tried to dry over time. This being the case, during hot times, water is driven out of the deep earth. Over time...as radiogenic heating decreases the mantle cools and water introduced by down going plates, for example, can find a home in certain accommodating minerals (see below).
Thus...we expect deep oceans early on when the mantle is "hot" and shallow oceans later when the mantle is "cool". This actually seems to fit the ideas of continental formation becoming more active as the world's oceans dry out and the mantle becomes re-hydrated and magma becomes de-polymerized, SiO2 species evolve. So, due to thermal mineral genesis we see all the plate volcanism and the evolution of intermediate (andesites and basalts) and the abundance of siliceous volcanic endmembers
Following this theory, it seems likely that Earth's future will go from "Oceania" in the Archean to gradually more and more continental and eventually resemble Mars where mantle heating is low and so...most of its water is now underground (shallow or deep) for one reason or another.
Ringwoodite - Wikipedia
See the article below on melt-mantle interactions as an example of how this kind of thinking applies to metallotectonics.