Hi. I'm looking for a neuroscience theme for my doctorate in neuroscience and behavior at University of São Paulo - Brazil. The theme must be original. I would like to receive some notes, ideas and directions in this process.
A PhD is a personal endeavour and is best undertaken by yourself. Rather than asking for suggestions up front, it is a good idea first to narrow down the field to a few areas that really interest you and then solicit further input.
There are several general websites and articles that describe the process of choosing a theme for your PhD, providing ideas of what you should consider, such as the following:
but there are hundreds of such sites. It would be appropriate to find a recent review on neuroscience that gives a broad overview of the field and start from there.
I agree with Professor Holmes. A PhD is a personal venture. Which area of neuroscience are you interested in? Are there any burning questions that you would like to address? Neuroscience is an incredibly vast field. For example, brain imaging, stimulation, consciousness, aging, medical/clinical illness/disease, etc etc.
Professor Holmes' suggestions of visiting portals and reading reviews are highly recommended.
When I choose the field of research that I want to study, I just choose what I realy love to do and what kind of questions want to answer. I follow my passion all the time. I know science is interesting but each of us has some specific questions that want to answer. I would recomend to read Nature Review Neuroscience and Nature Neuroscience and Journal of Neuroscience and of course there are few more very good Neuroscience journals, and see what is really important for you. Good luck.