Além de muita gente passando fome, e o Brasil já passou por uma fase de alta inflação e sofrimento para os que ganham salários baixos, e a classe média sofreu muito também, mas os argentinos é que são os mestres hoje neste assunto, a inflação de lá está muito parecida com a da Alemanha em 1940, quando um carrinho de pedreiro cheio de dinheiro comprava 1 k de feijão. Nós odiamos sequer lembrar este assunto. Economistas podem dar ótimas opiniões, mas um argentino lhe dará uma aula do que está sentindo na pele hoje, seja de classe B, ou C ,D e E.
This is a pertinent question. The middle class is relative in each country. Generally, the middle class in a given country consists of mostly salaried workers with stable and well-paying jobs. Jokingly, someone has defined the middle class as those individuals whose houses and cars are not theirs! That is, they are paying mortgages. I would advise such a class to borrow and invest in real assets because inflation reduces the real (inflation-adjusted) value of a mortgage.
Yes, I agree with Dr Olivier Habimana that the middle class are as you wrote; stable workers with well-paid jobs. If people are struggling to make ends meet, they don't add to stability as those in the middle class are more likely to do. But I think the middle class work hard and have probably invested in gaining qualifications to get there. But we worked hard for these and it paid off. And we were happy in jobs that rewarded us.