What size should be a decomposition bag for roots and litter? Is there any standard? In the literature there are different bag sizes for different root diameters. In my opinion mesh size matter than bag size. What do you think about it?
I've never involved in root decomposition experiments, but I will evaluate which are factors related to decomposition: insects, fungi, bacteria and, why not, other roots (e.g enzymatic activity of live-root exudates). So, I think that the best thing will be not to have a bag. Therefore, If a bag is used, mesh size should be enough big to allow all the previous factor to effect (2-3 mm?). This is my actual idea.
Terzahi thanks for sharing your idea. Yeah the factors you mentioned will definitely play a role in decomposition, but until and unless we put some material in bags, we cannot determine the loss of weight. That is why the bag is vital in this type of research.