According to literature it should be the open circuit potential. But, it s not always true, like for cobalt oxide or its composite, the value is always 0.4V (we are using CHI 660E model). Please suggest?
E is not only a open circuit potential. Generally, open circuit potential was used as a bias potential for impedance measurements.
But pseudo capacitance behavior is high only in oxidation or reduction potential of the electrode material. So oxidation/reduction potential are used as a bias potential for supercapacitors.
Further you can refer the following article.
Hierarchical MnMoO4/CoMoO4 heterostructured nanowires with enhanced supercapacitor performance
Thanks a lot Mr. Christian Punckt and Mr. Subbukalai Vijayakumar ·for your prompt answer. It will help me a lot to clear up my confusions. And also thanks for the references, these are very informative as per my requirement.