If you have obtained such a high coulombic efficiency, you have provoked additional electrode reactions, such as decomposition of the electrolyte, in your discharging process.
If you have obtained such a high coulombic efficiency, you have provoked additional electrode reactions, such as decomposition of the electrolyte, in your discharging process.
You'r CE calculation based on charge out/charge in,not in opposite way. I would like to know how the CE plot vs. Cycle number? If your CE is higher from first cycle, few things to check 1. Whether your discharge current is equal to charge current? Some parasitic reaction (are going on while discharge which is reducing your current density. 2. Does you have Fade in your cell? 3. Run the same cell with different voltage window? Let me know you'r response then we can communicate again. Hope this is helpful.
some times in starting up to few cycle you may get such result. Which is because when electrode electrolytes are in the state of adjusting electrochemically with each other then for few cycles (