ChatGPT could get access to the search engine of RG, at least the search for papers. A researcher would then be able to ask ChatGPT: how can we prevent earthquakes by employing sheeps' bladders, and the answer would be: here are some articles from ResearchGate, but you must sign in to obtain them.
Thank you, dear Joachim Pimiskern , I am thinking along the same lines and hope it gets done. As an additional point, I would like such a plugin to be able to summarize articles, presentations, photos etc. uploaded to ResearchGate.
The question of creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT and integrating with online scientific knowledge bases
Creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online scientific publication indexing databases
This is a very sensational concept. It would make sense if ChatGPT-type tools were properly improved and the system of laws for their use appropriately supplemented so that the use of ChatGPT-type tools does not violate copyright laws and that these tools are used in accordance with ethics and do not generate misinformation. Improving these tools so that they do not generate disinformation, do not create "fictitious facts" in the form of descriptions, essays, photos, videos, etc. containing nicely described, presented never and nowhere seemingly facts is to keep Big Data systems updated, update data sets and information, based on which they create answers to questions, create descriptions, photos, companies and so on. When all that I have written above would be corrected and application completed and not only in some parts of the world but on a global scale then the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT that will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications would make sense and could prove helpful to people, including researchers and scientists.