What role do men and women play to combat climate change? The negative role that men and women play to combat climate change, several times, is partly due to their ignorance, missing information and misinformation.
What role do men and women play to combat climate change? The negative role that men and women play to combat climate change, several times, is partly due to their ignorance, missing information and misinformation.
I wish you a nice and happy new year. Then may I express my utmost surprise and concern at your formulation "to combat climate change".
This kind of anthropomorphic thinking has prevailed for at least 2 millennia and is baseless. There is nothing we, mankind are responsible of with respect to climate change (which has nothing to do with pollution for which we should act quickly) and the best we can do is to adapt, as mankind has ever done.
27,000 years ago, during the last glacial maximum - for which we had no responsibility either :-) - people were painting in a cave not far from where I am and the shores were kilometres away from the entrance of the cave which is now 37 meters under the water. The Earth is a living planet, it does not care about us, we are just passengers. Think about it. I also propose my e-book: