I have been struggling to ensure conceptual alignment in my research.
I'm working on questionnaire development in behavioural science (management) and have specified the area of interest as a formative construct (i.e. it is formed by it's indicators/items, rather than the items/indicators being a reflection of as in personality).
Index construction with formative measures typically employs stats such as PLS-SEM, but emphasizes that item selection is not resolved exclusively with statistics. The items must 'fully' represent the final construct, therefore, items may not be eliminated from a survey purely on the basis of poor statistical performance.
For me, this (and the role of qualitative research in item generation), lead to a mixed-methods approach that aligns with my ontology.
However, I've been trying to situate my research in a paradigm. I've been told pragmatists (which is where I originally sat fundamentally disagree with the existence of formative constructs). And as far as I can tell critical realism aligns well, right up until the point where I'm using any form of statistics.
Whilst I understand CR has a largely subjectivist epistemology and a belief that we operate in an open system, there is a consensus that the 'real' exists. My instinct is to argue that in gathering the views of lots of people and applying statistical modeling (such as SEM), then I'm attempting to get as close as possible to causal tendencies. In this way, I'm proposing that these mechanisms combine in this way in a great many instances, whilst acknowledging that it is not a 'law' and there will be some contexts in which these general tendencies don't apply...
However, my other 'problem' with CR and formative constructs is that index development in formative constructs requires sampling the entire nomological network (i.e. all aspects of the construct are identified). Whereas, CR appears to suggest it's highly unlikely/impossible to capture the whole of reality. This feels conflicted.
I'm really struggling to find a theoretical stance in which feels like it fits with my world view - that there is a reality; that we all see that reality through our own lens, but if we combine lots of different perspectives together we get pretty damn close to reality.
Any help would be very much appreciated as I'm feeling lost at present.