What needs to be clarified regarding title/intent? What kind of explanation is needed? In what ways should relevance for learning and knowledge development be shown? What are other important questions?
What did you mean by title? I did not get the point. Did you mean the title of a proposal or a research project, or else. Again the explanation for what, and relevance for what?
I appreciate you responding and the feedback that my questions are confusing.
My concern is with both the title I gave to my research project, i.e. “Developing a Graph Database for Applied Behavioral Science and Media Ecology Exploration” as well as the Goal, Hypothesis, Experiments and Methods initially entered. For instance, in Methods, I have posted early screen shots of my graph database under construction and of a spreadsheet listing of the type of data being used to build the database.
I am interested in getting an idea from others, given this preliminary information, whether the approach seems to make sense and to help as I develop further detail in my exposition, explanation, and findings.
Not having entered a project or used the Project and Questions feature before in Research Gate, I was not sure whether the question would be posted in a way that would refer and foster a response in relation to the project information. Apparently not, but no doubt I should make future questions more self-contained and clear.