I have downloaded MOD09A1 V006 surface reflectance data. I have an issue when using the QA flags to filter those pixels with a low quality. It seems that there exist numerous lines with this flag: 1075838976.
I think that the binary number point out that there is no atmospheric correction. However, according to bit number 0-1 it is "00" "corrected product proudced at ideal quality --all bands". Additionally the word bit for band 6 is "0001", which is a binary code not considered in Table 10 of the User Guide.
Binagy flat is:
10 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00
I would be grateful if you could give me a clue to interpret this or to decide if I should filter out those pixels or not. I am mosaicking and computing NDVI values, so atmospheric correction is important.