I extracted gDNA from two seaweed samples following the modified CTAB method (Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991). The A260/A280 ratio for the sample 1 and 2 showed a value of 1.7204 and 1.7158, respectively while the gDNA concentration was found as 4.301 4.2895 ug/uL, respectively by using U800 Spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter, USA). However, there was observed smearing band for sample 2 and no band for sample 1 (gel picture attached). I used 1% agarose gel with 5 uL of 1 kb plus DNA ladder, 2 uL of 6X loading dye (both from Thermo Scientific) and 10 uL of gDNA template under 100 v for 45 minutes. Can anyone please help me out there?

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