My objective is to determine if the abundance of nectarivores at a flower-visitation network are related by biotic factors such as the abundance of flowers, nectar volume or nectar concentration or abiotic factors such as temperature or precipitation. 

I have measurements of nectar but they are highly variable. I am not sure what metric should I take if, i.e. I have an average volume of nectar of a set of flowers of a plant of 10 microliters (measured in the morning, covered all night – 12 hours) and then these flowers have a volume of 35 microliters  measured after 6 hours of being covered. Should I relate the values in 24 hours? By hour? But the results are going to be very different if you take i.e. 10 or 35 as a base…

How should I address this nectar variability in an analysis to relate its amount with its consumers? 

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